International Women’s Day 2020

It’s International Women’s Day and celebrations are in order. However, there are few glaring questions that haunt me incessantly. Even though we have more women out in the world earning a living, are they actually financially independent? 

As per a 2019 story by Business Today, only 33% of women take independent investment decisions as compared to 64% men. Even though the number might just have increased this year, the question remains –by how much!?

The same story also suggests that men usually dominate in the areas of investments/car or house purchase. Women, on the other hand, have a larger role while buying gold /jewelry, day to day household purchases and durables.

Also, it is not only about financial investments that I am talking about. Looking around, one can see a clear need for Equality in other fields too. There is the forever underlying debate of patriarchy and some real evil popping their heads out as a result of that patriarchy.  Then there is the fundamental right to safe existence in society. 

It’s 2020 and we still have to fight for our rights to Equality. More so ever NOW, it has become imperative that social norms are changed or amended to factor the rights of everyone in.  We ought to realize by now that ‘Equality’ is not only a gender issue but a worldwide economics issue. 

This year’s theme of #EachforEqual is in unison with the global need for equality in all spheres of life. It is essential for the communities and economies to flourish. 

So, if you are wondering how to celebrate being each for equal, then first, we need to believe that each of us is equal and after that, we can work towards it.

One thought on “International Women’s Day 2020

  1. I am going to add another glaring point that may down with well with a lot of women but needs to be said. If you expect equality let’s not be selective…so don’t get all offended when a guy suggests that you pay your share of the meal at a date or that you sponsor that date itself…likewise there are many other instances in life where even the most ‘equal’ of women want to be treated differently and take major offense to being treated any other way. Just like we like to be pampered by the men in our lives….pamper the men too every so often…then this equality things works. Don’t attack me…just my 2 paisa’s worth of opinion.

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