My Foray Into The World of Non-Fiction

I have always read fiction up until now because I enjoy them very much. Every year I’d set a target of about 50 fiction work to be read within that year and will mostly reach my goals by the end of it. However, this year, I’ve decided to broaden my horizon and read non-fiction too.
After much mulling over and a discussion with my dear cousin, I began my journey on the road to non-fiction books with not one but two books simultaneously.

Why Not Hindi or Any Other Language for That Matter?

India is a rich country with 22 languages (written in 13 scripts) and over 700 dialects and most of us are limited to only English. During this long introspection, I realized that thanks to Mr. Kaul, I at least picked up a Hindi book to read after school. My last Hindi novel was Namak Ka Daroga by Munshi Premchand during School’s Hindi class.

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